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GMS Family Resources

Staying Connected

View this resource for information on who to contact for varying student needs, concerns, or issues.

YCSD Back to School Guide

The YCSD Back to School Guide includes information on the school calendar, forms and fees, school supplies, school immunizations, transportation, and a back to school checklist.

YCSD Student Information

For information on school lunch accounts, the student handbook, supply lists, and the program of studies visit the YCSD Student Information site.

YCSD Online Payments/Signed forms

Information on student meal accounts, athletic participation fees, and online payments and form signatures can be accessed here.

YCSD Student Calendar

Please note that there are more student holidays this year.

Canvas Access Information

This site will provide student and parent Canvas access information.

YCSD Transportation Information

Visit this site to view information on bus routes and the My Stop tracking application.

Note to GMS Administrators

Please take a few moments to share information about your student with the GMS Administration.

SAIL - PBIS Initiative

Grafton Middle PTSA