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SAIL: PBIS Initiative

Our school participates in an important district initiative. It is called Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS).

PBIS focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students.  It includes school-wide procedures and processes intended for all students and staff in all settings.  It is an approach to creating a safe and productive learning environment where teachers can teach and all students can learn.

We have adopted a unified set of classroom rules similar to the YCSD Code of Conduct.  These rules define our expectations for behavior in our school. You will see these rules posted throughout the school and your child will be learning them during his or her first days at school. Our unified classroom rules, found in every classroom and non-classroom setting in the school, are as follows:

SAIL signifies the 4 basic behavior expectations for ALL students at GMS:

Safe and Orderly

Always Respectful



Students earn Clipper Cash for demonstrating SAIL behaviors.  Students then turn in their Clipper Cash at the school store to receive individual rewards.   Rewards range from 1 Clipper Cash to 70.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do students do with the Clipper Cash they earned?

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Students then turn in their Clipper Cash at the SAIL Store to receive individual rewards.  Prizes vary from a piece of candy to assist a staff member.

How do students earn Clipper Cash?

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Students earn Clipper Cash for demonstrating SAIL behaviors. 

Safe and Orderly

Always Respectful



When is the SAIL Store?

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The SAIL Store is every other Thursday during your student's lunch block.

How do students learn about this initiative?

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Students learn about this initiative through lessons taught throughout the school year.  Students were initially taught about the program in the first 2 weeks of school.  Students will review school expectations as needed and around breaks.

How can families support our PBIS?

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Famillies should encourage SAIL behaviors at home.  See the SAILing at Home matrix example in the documents section.

Families are also encouraged to volunteer to help with the SAIL Store through PTSA.


SAILing at Home

SAIL Matrix

PBIS on Social Media

Clipper Cash

SAIL Store